Tuesday, May 19, 2009

R is for Rodeo

The future rodeo stars of America learn their trade at the small town rodeos like this one in Escabosa, New Mexico, population less than 1000.  The youngsters start learning at a tender age, some as young as 5 years old.  They seem to have a great time.   If you ever get a chance check out one of these small town rodeos.  Post # 18 on ABC Wednesday.


  1. This is amazing! I had no idea. And is that a SHEEP? Wow, who knew.
    Great ABC post once again. Thanks for sharing your wonderful pix and such interesting nuggets of info.

    Pamposh (ABC Team)

  2. I bet they have a great time! My 6 year old would be crazy for this... heck I wish that I could do it too! Although the sheep probably wouldn't appreciate my bulk:)

  3. Love the emotion and action in this photo Terry. I never saw a bucking ewe before.

  4. Isn't it dangerous for children to do this?

  5. The rodeo was something I never missed until recently. Lots of action in this post! Nice!

  6. Wow!
    I went back and looked at all your ABC Wednesday posts. You take great photographs and you are so inspiring!
    Rodeo is a wonderful "R" word. Looking forward to seeing s!

  7. Really like this photo, I suppose it is a good way to start your rodeo training on a sheep.
